Maureen Quin

– Master Sculptor –

Decades of Sculptural Excellence


The bone defines and bonds the form in bronze sculpture. Playfulness is apparent in the elongation of legs, arms and necks with the torso delineating energy and joy. The creative and joyful vibrancy of dance inspired Maureen Quin.

Year: 2011
Edition: 15
Medium: Bronze
Size: H 414 x W 135 x L 210 mm
Base Size: H 34 x W 340 x L 190 mm




“I normally start with drawings, and more drawings, where I compose shapes and forms and spaces between these: on paper and in my mind. I draw until I get under the skin of my subject – till I can “feel” that sculpture in me. After constructing the armature I concentrate on the shapes and forms in space – composition and silhouette – then suddenly the work takes on a life of its own – the emotional content starts to manifest itself – the dialogue begins, between myself and the sculpture. This dialogue is essential for me; it’s a tremendous stage of discovery, an adventure into my own inner self. The sculpture acquires a spirit and a personality. While I work I’m constantly looking at the composition in space – the tensions within the individual forms and the relationships between them….to me this is the essence of sculpture. I am deeply influenced by human relations – why people do things. I get my mental stimulus from meeting and watching people. I like being quiet. I need the peace of a small town to sort out my ideas and crystalise them..” Maureen Quin