Maureen Quin

– Master Sculptor –

Decades of Sculptural Excellence

Guinea Fowl Woman

“It may have been expected that after her stay at the Cite des Arts in Paris, 1987, Maureen Quin would work in the manner of the Grand Master of Western tradition, Rodin. Instead, Maureen Quin discovered her African roots; her bronze sculptures became savage, shocking, even crude in its strong attenuations and harsh contrast of forms. The figures are part human – part insect. There is no dividing line between man and nature. And it is the harsh nature that is Africa” Deon Lemmer.

Drawing on Maureen Quin’s awareness of being an African, living in Africa, where she is in touch with animals/birds more so than our European counterparts, Maureen Quin appreciates the unity of primitive and civilisation, using the head of the guinea fowl bird with the human body. Neither can stand alone, we are interdependent. The composition of shapes in space become interdependent and inclusive.

Year: 1988
Edition: 4
Medium: Bronze
Size: H 532 x W 370 x L 370 mm
Base Size: H 60 x W 240 x L 350 mm
